What this ride is all about

Radio Solent Interview with mum

That was tough.... spoke to dad afterwards who thought the interview was great, although he was clearly teary hearing mums voice again. I can't get over just how brave she was and how much courage she showed us all. I hope others who have heard it or people who may know someone who has had the screening package sent to them, gets the message and it prompts them to send it back. Mum & Dad would love to think we have made a difference to someones life somewhere. If you are one of those people please get in touch.
When I listened back to the interview a few minutes ago, I could help but think there was so much more I wanted to say. I know there is a small time window with these things and obviously I was caught up a little in the emotion of it all. I had meant to mention that it's not just me on the ride, Colin is coming along with me and for everyone to know that he has been great support with barrels of enthusiasm for the trip and perking me up when my mood has been low or I have doubts I can complete it ( that still remains the case, Colin we need to do more work on that !) I also wanted to thank everyone for all their support, not least my long suffering wife Liz. She has been fantastic. She has great belief in me, been so positive, supportive and without doubt has carried me through the last few months. Truth be known she'll probably be glad to have a few days where she doesn't have to suffer cycle talk, me checking my routes on the computer, again! or see me strutting around in lycra....... not an image for the faint of heart.
So the next Chapter will soon begin for us both. There will still be a few more days of frantic packing and unpacking, wheres this? and that ? Have I got everything? How many socks shall I take? Mum had written us all a card before she passed, which was handed out after she'd gone (complete surprise to us all) The personal message inside I shall take with me for those moments of doubt or struggle, which I'm hopeful will get me up those hills! That and the love and support of my family and friends, especially Liz who's catch phrase for the trip is " Go have an adventure..." that I will my love, that I will ....XX




Disastrous start!